How do I uninstall or remove Malware Protector?

Malware Protector is very easy to remove. At WinZip we believe very strongly in allowing people to remove applications that they do not wish to keep. Of course we hope you do not feel this way about Malware Protector but in case you do, here is how to remove it:

In Windows Vista, Win 7 and newer operating systems:

Go to Start > Control Panel > Uninstall a Program > Locate and select Malware Protector in the list shown > click on the “Uninstall/Change” button > Follow the onscreen instructions to uninstall the program


wzmp uninstall

Alternatively, you can uninstall Malware Protector from the programs menu:

Start > All Programs > WinZip > Malware Protector > Uninstall Malware Protector.


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