How do I customize the scan settings in Privacy Protector?

Privacy Protector offers various options to customize your scan settings.

By default, all the categories are selected for scanning, however, you can enable or disable an option by selecting or deselecting the check mark against it.

How to customize scan areas:

  • Launch Privacy Protector
  • Click on Settings and select the Scan Areas tab
  • Check or Uncheck the different areas you want to disable or enable
  • Click Apply to save the settings

The different categories of the scan are explained below:

  • User and Password: It will scan for usernames and passwords that are logged on your browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari). You can immediately remove them and make sure they don’t stay on your computer after each session.
  • Profile: Protects against identity theft by revealing where your phone number, email, physical address and credit card information are stored on your computer.
  • Browser History: Check this option to selectively delete or replace websites that you have visited and remain stored on your browser history.
  • IM History: This option scans all your chat logs that needs to be cleaned to keep it free from privacy risks
  • Cookies: Will search your computer of any undesirable cookies that are found on it. This will help protect you from aggressive advertisers as well as malicious hackers.
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