Registry Optimizer is unable to remove all the issues detected and keeps showing the same issues every time.

– Make sure you are using the latest version of WinZip Registry Optimizer.

– WinZip Registry Optimizer finds and fixes registry issues it detects in the Windows Registry. Some programs unfortunately might recreate the same invalid or blank registry entries that were removed in the first scan, simply because they act as temporary placeholders for the program. There is no need to be worried though, as these issues and generally harmless and just a small number of issues may reappear after being removed. To get a rid of the issues you will need to find the program that is recreating them.

– We also recommend closing all programs and services running in the background, so it does not become a hindrance to the registry scan and repair process. This is because WinZip Registry Optimizer will not be able to remove registry issues associated with the programs that are currently in use or running on your computer.

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