Learn more about the Status screen of Malware Protector

Malware Protector has been designed with convenience in mind. The main Status screen of Malware Protector has sections for system scanning, malware infection reporting and PC’s health assessment. It shows you the number of infections or threats found during your last system scan.

The Status screen includes:

  • Scan Status
  • Start Scan Now
  • Check for Updates
  • Customize Scan

Scan Status
This section of the program tells you when the last scan was performed, the number of malware infections found and the recommended action. It also graphically shows you the level of threat it poses on your PC.

Start Scan Now
The absolute first step in using Malware Protector is to scan the system for malware infections. Click on the Start Scan Now button to start the scanning process by activating the Infection Scan screen.

Check for Updates
We recommend keeping the malware definitions database current and up-to-date. This helps the program offer accurate results and avoid false positives. To enable this, click on the Check for Updates text link in the left panel to download and install all the updates.

Customize Scan
You may customize the scan by using various scan options. Click on the link Customize Scan and change the settings to your specific requirements.

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